
By Laws

In all instances, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Bylaws, Constitution, Regional Activities Board(RAB) Operations Manual and IEEE Policy and Procedures will prevail when there is a conflict between these documents and

  • Name and Territory
  • Officers
  • Standing Committees
  • Management
  • Nomination and Election of Officers
  • Business Meetings
  • Finances
  • Amendments

ARTICLE I- Name and Territory

Section 1.1

This organization shall be known as the IEEE SRI LANKA SECTION, hereinafter called the IEEE-SL section.

Section 1.2

The territory of the IEEE-SL section, as approved by RAB, includes the following The territory of the IEEE-SL section shall consist of all territorial limits of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

ARTICLE II- Officers

Section 2.1(a)

The elected executive officers of the IEEE-SL Section shall be

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Editor

Section 2.1(b)

The following officers of the IEEE-SL Section shall be appointed by the section Chair. Five Committee members

Section 2.2

The terms of office of the elected officers shall be for a period of one years. The consecutive period in service in any office shall not exceed two years.

Section 2.3

Terms of office will begin on 1 January. Outgoing officers will continue until their successors are duly elected and take office.

Section 2.4

Any vacancy occurring during the terms of office shall be filled by a majority vote of the IEEESL section Executive Committee.

Section 2.5

The duties of the elected officers will be available from Regional Activities Department (RAD) in the RAB Operations Manual and IEEE Bylaws.

ARTICLE III- Standing Committees

Section 3.1(a)

The Standing Committees of the Section will be as follows:

  •  Membership Development
  •  Professional Activities
  •  Student Activities
  •  Educational Activities
  •  Awards and Recognition
  •  Electronic Communications

Section 3.1(b)

The any Standing Committee shall consist of members as follows:

  •  Chair of the standing committee
  •  Committee members

Section 3.2

The chair of each of the Standing Committees and some committee members will be appointed by the IEEE-SL section Chair with the approval of the IEEE-SL section Executive Committee, and their terms will expire on the 31 December of respective year. The Chair of the Standing Committees should be an officer of the IEEE-SL section.

Section 3.3

Each Committee Chair will/could appoint more Committee members to the respective Standing Committees, with the approval of the IEEE-SL section Executive Committee, and their terms will expire on the 31 December of respective year.

Section 3.4

The duties of the Standing Committees will be available from RAD in the RAB Operations Manual, and IEEE Bylaws.

ARTICLE IV- Management

Section 4.1

The management of the IEEE-SL section shall be by the IEEE-SL section Executive Committee which shall consist of the elected officers, the Past Section Chair and the five appointed committee members.

Section 4.2

When and if the officers of the IEEE-SL section couldn’t reach unanimous decision (or in the situation/case of divided in opinion), a majority of the IEEE-SL section Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum, provided that delegates elected by the Section membership are at least one greater in number than delegates appointed to the Committee.

Section 4.3

A one third (1/3) of the IEEE-SL section officers present shall be necessary in the conduct of its business excluding those excused.

Section 4.4

Meetings of the IEEE-SL section Executive Committee ordinarily will be held monthly and will be called by the IEEE-SL section Chair or by a request of any five members of the IEEE-SL section Executive Committee.

Section 4.5

Any officer can request excuses on attending the committee meetings to the Chair or secretary by any mode of communication.

Section 4.6

Any officer who does not attend and does not request an excuse for three consecutive meetings will be treated as vacated the post. In those situations the vacancy should be filled at the following committee meeting.(Ref. section 2.4).

Section 4.7

The fiscal year of the Section shall be 1 January – 31 December.

ARTICLE V- Nomination and Election of Officers

Section 5.1

A Election Committee consisting of five members, not currently officers of the IEEE-SL section, shall be appointed by the IEEE-SL section Chair with the approval of the IEEE-SL Executive Committee.

Section 5.2

The members of the Election Committee will be announced to the IEEE-SL section membership and, following this, a minimum of 14 days allowed for additional nominations to the election committee by petition. The petition must be signed by ten or more voting members or 2% of the IEEE-SL section membership, whichever is fewer.

Section 5.3

The timetable for this procedure is as follows:

  • Appointment of Election Committee : 1 st. May
  • Close nominations to the Election Committee By petition : 15th.May
  • Call for Nominations : 15th.June
  • Close nominations by petition : 15th.July
  • Close the election : 15th.December If required, a ballot shall be mailed prior to: 15th. November.

Section 5.4

If only one nomination is made for the post/office then the respective nominee is duly elected for the office.

Section 5.5

If two or more nominations are made for the post/office, then the election will be carried out by ballot. The vote shall be counted by the Election Committee.

Section 5.6

The Election Committee should hand-over the results to the incumbent Chair of the IEEE-SL section before the start of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Section 5.7

The formal results will be declared at the AGM by the incumbent Chair of the IEEE-SL.

ARTICLE VI- Bussiness Meeting 

Section 6.1

In order to transact business at a IEEE-SL section meeting(AGM), at least 25 members(or 20% of the IEEE-SL section membership, whichever is fewer) must be present to constitute a quorum.


Section 7.1

With the prior authorization of the IEEE Executive Committee, The IEEE-SL section funds can be used only for normal operations of the Section.

Section 7.2

Under the emergency situations, the IEEE-SL section funds can be used with the approval of the Chair and the Sectary and the Treasurer. The respective expenditure must be approved at the subsequent committee meeting.

ARTICLE VIII- Amendments

Section 8.1

Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may originate in the IEEE-SL section Executive Committee or by a petition signed by 10 or more voting members or 2% of the IEEE-SL section membership, whichever is fewer.

Section 8.2

Amendments to or revocation of these Bylaws shall be in accordance with the IEEE Bylaws, RAB Bylaws and RAB Operations Manual.